Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hunger Games Chapter 14 Comprehension questions.

Chapter 14

1. Who helps Katniss escape from the Careers? How?
Rue helps Katniss escape from the careers. They both are up in seperate trees but while in the tree Rue points to Katniss that their is a tracker jacker nest above her. Katniss gets an idea of what to do. She decides to saw off the nest from the branch and make it drop right above the careers. It works but there was a point where she knew she was probably going to get bit by the tracker jackers. when she did get bit, it wasnt as bad as it was for the careers that had the whole nest fall ontop of them. The tracker jackers swormed everywhere and attcked every one of the careers. They all ran off. 

2. What does Haymitch send Katniss?
Haymitch send Katniss a small pot of ointment. it was to heal her burned wounds. it was Katniss's first gift. she was very pleased with it because it worked. it gave her burnes a cool sensation. she was happy that her sponsers took in time to send her this. 

3. What does Katniss get from Glimmer's body? Why is this so important to her?
Katniss gets  her bow and arrow from glimmers body. The bow and arrow was the first weapon she had her eye on in the cornucopia. she just didnt have time to get it first. This weapon is soo important to her because she knows how to use it very good.  its her favorite and she knows she'll be able to kill forsure now.

4. What does Peeta do when he finds her?
Peeta tells Katniss to get up and leave.! He's screaming at her to goo! Katniss thinks he's mad. He doesnt say anything but pushes her to get out of here.  Katniss was confused at what just happened.  Why couldnt he have just killed her there. Instead he risked his life for hers because Cato came up from behind Peeta as he let Katniss runn off. He saved Katnis's life. 

5. What are the effects of the tracker jacker stings on Katniss?
The effects of the tracker jacker stings on Katniss made her hallucinate things. It left her confused as she awoke thenext day.  The poisen sinking in leaves your body wracked and feeble.  They get swore and swollen. 

Important Quotes (4 minimum)
1. "Tucking my knees up to my chin, I wait for death. Sick and disoriented, I'm able to form only one thought: Peeta Mellark just saved my life."(pg.194)
2. "Darkness has given me a brief reprieve, but by the time the sun rises, the Careers will have formulated a plan to kill me."  pg. 186
3. " I inch back down to my fork to find the best surprise I've ever had. Sitting on my sleeping bag is a small plastic pot attached to a silver parachute. Oh, Haymitch, ' I whisper. ' Thank you. ' He has not abandoned me. Not left me to fend entirely for myself. "  (188)
4. "But these are the Hunger Games, and ordinary isn't the norm. More likely they will be one of the Capitol's muttations, tracker jackers. Like the jabberjays, these killer wasps were spawned in a lab and strategically placed, like land mines, around the districts during the war."(pg.185)


  1. I know you give to us but I don't understand it, can you explain me please
